How to Obtain State Approval for Colleges and Universities in Idaho

Establishing a college or university in Idaho requires navigating the state’s regulatory framework, overseen by the Idaho State Board of Education. This guide provides a straightforward explanation of the steps necessary to obtain state approval, including submitting various program proposals and the specific requirements for different educational programs.

get state approval Idaho

Establishing a Location in Idaho

Understanding the Regulatory Framework

The Idaho State Board of Education has constitutional authority to supervise and govern public postsecondary institutions. The board must approve all new academic and career-technical education programs and modifications to existing programs in accordance with Idaho Code 33-101 and Board Policy III.G.

Types of Educational Providers Authorized

The OHE authorizes various types of institutions, including:

  • Public, in-state, and out-of-state degree-granting institutions
  • Private, in-state, and out-of-state, not-for-profit, and for-profit degree-granting institutions
  • Non-degree granting institutions

Program Review and Approval Procedures

Types of Proposals and Forms

There are six primary Program Proposal Forms used to process program requests. The choice of form depends on the nature of the request:

  1. Academic Degree and Certificate Full Proposal Form: For new certificates, associate, bachelor’s, or graduate programs. This form is used for substantive changes requiring comprehensive review and approval.
    • Required Forms:
      • Academic/Certificate Full Proposal Form
      • Budget Form
  1. Academic Short Proposal Form: For non-substantive changes to academic programs or administration. These changes require review and approval by the Executive Director or designee.
    • Required Forms:
      • Academic Short Proposal Form
      • Short Budget Form
  1. Career & Technical Full Certificate/Degree Proposal Form: For new career-technical education (CTE) programs. This proposal includes a Scope and Sequence and CTE Form Attachment B.
    • Required Forms:
      • Career Technical Certificate/Degree Proposal Form
      • Budget Form
  1. Career Technical Short Proposal Form: For non-substantive career technical education programs or administration changes. Requires review and approval by the Executive Director or designee.
    • Required Forms:
      • Career Technical Short Proposal Form
      • Short Budget Form
  1. Discontinuance Proposal Form: To discontinue any academic or career-technical education program or administrative/instructional unit.
    • Required Forms:
      • Discontinuance Proposal Form
      • Budget Form
  1. Instructional/Administrative Unit Proposal Form: Create a new instructional or administrative unit.
    • Required Forms:
      • Instructional/Administrative Unit Proposal Form
      • Budget Form

State Approval Readines

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Submission Process

  1. Online Proposal Submission System: Proposals must be submitted through the Office of the State Board of Education’s online submission system. Each institution has a designated representative responsible for this process.
  1. Consulting the Flowchart: Use the provided flowchart to determine the appropriate form for your proposal. If you need more clarification, contact the designated representative, Patty Sanchez, for guidance before proceeding.

Steps for Approval

  1. Determine the Type of Proposal: Identify whether the proposal is for a new program, modification, or discontinuance of an existing program.
  2. Complete the Appropriate Form: Fill out the relevant proposal and budget forms as specified.
  3. Submit the Proposal: Use the online submission system to submit your completed proposal. Ensure that all required documents are attached.
  4. Review by the Executive Director or Designee: For non-substantive changes, the proposal will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Director or designee. For substantive changes, the proposal will undergo a comprehensive review process.
  5. Board Approval: New academic and career-technical education programs require full board approval.
  6. Notification Process: For changes that do not require prior approval, submit a Letter of Notification per the guidelines in Board Policy III.G.3.c and 4. c.

AEC (Accreditation Expert Consulting) Services

Accreditation Expert Consulting (AEC) can significantly streamline obtaining state approval for your college or university in Idaho. Here’s how AEC can assist:

  1. Guidance on Regulatory Compliance:
    • Expert Advice: Provide detailed guidance on navigating Idaho’s regulatory framework and understanding the Idaho State Board of Education requirements.
    • Compliance Check: Ensure that your proposals meet all state regulations and standards.
  1. Proposal Preparation and Submission:
    • Form Completion: Assist in accurately completing the necessary proposal and budget forms.
    • Document Compilation: Help compile and organize all required documentation for submission.
  2. Review and Feedback:
    • Pre-submission Review: Conduct a thorough review of your proposals before submission to identify potential issues.
    • Feedback and Revisions: Provide actionable feedback and assist with necessary revisions to strengthen your proposals.
  3. Liaison with the State Board:
    • Communication: Act as a liaison between your institution and the Idaho State Board of Education, ensuring clear and effective communication.
    • Follow-up: Monitor the progress of your proposals and follow up as needed to expedite the approval process.
  4. Strategic Planning and Implementation:
    • Long-term Strategy: Develop a strategic plan to guide your institution through approval and ensure sustainable growth.
    • Implementation Support: Provide ongoing support to implement the approved programs and maintain compliance with state requirements.
  5. Training and Development:
    • Faculty Training: Offer training sessions for faculty and staff on regulatory compliance and best practices in academic program development.
    • Administrative Support: To streamline the proposal submission and approval process, provide administrative support.

AEC Note

Obtaining state approval for colleges and universities in Idaho involves navigating a complex regulatory landscape. By understanding the types of proposals required, completing the appropriate forms, and submitting through the designated online system, institutions can successfully gain approval from the Idaho State Board of Education. Accreditation Expert Consulting (AEC) offers comprehensive services to assist institutions throughout this process, ensuring compliance, preparing strong proposals, and facilitating communication with the state board. With AEC’s support, institutions can efficiently achieve state approval and focus on delivering high-quality education to their students.

We have collaborated with educational institutions nationwide that hold accreditation from prominent national and regional agencies, including:
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